Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Unit 8: Native Americans

For Teachers 5th Standards
Over five weeks, fifth graders listen to and discuss reading passages that explore the connection between Native Americans and nature. Following daily readings, scholars practice word work, including prefixes, root words, suffixes,...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Unit 6: The Reformation

For Teachers 5th Standards
Over three weeks, fifth graders read about and discuss the Reformation which saw religion and politics shift across Europe. Following daily readings, young scholars practice spelling, grammar, and morphology skills such as prefixes,...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Unit 4: The Renaissance

For Teachers 5th Standards
The Renaissance is the theme of a five-week unit designed to boost reading comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, and expository writing skills. Scholars listen to and discuss daily readings and engage in skills practice activities...
Lesson Plan
Carolina K-12

How Do I Pre-Register and Vote in North Carolina?

For Teachers 5th Standards
Did you know that in some states your pupils can pre-register to vote? Teach the advantages to pre-registering and engage the classroom in an intriguing discussion about youth voting trends. Class members participates in a live polling...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations

For Teachers 5th Standards
A 10-lesson unit explores the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations. Over the course of two weeks, scholars read nonfiction excerpts, discuss their findings, and complete activities. An assessment equipped with multiple choice and matching...
Smithsonian Institution

The Price of Freedom: Americans at War

For Students 5th - 12th Standards
An interactive resource covers all of the United States' most prominent and influential historic wars including the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the War of 1812, and the Korean War. Learners observe cause and effect as well as how violence...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Native Americans of the Chesapeake Bay: Using Primary vs. Secondary Sources

For Teachers 4th - 5th Standards
Discover the rich Native American culture that existed at the time of early European exploration into the Chesapeake region through analysis of several primary and secondary sources.

Study Jams! Photosynthesis

For Students 4th - 7th Standards
One friend explains to another that plants combine water and carbon dioxide with the energy of the sun to produce sugar and oxygen. She mentions the roles of the roots, chloroplasts, and stomata in an engaging video that reviews how...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: A Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
Two great men, one time period, and one purpose; it sounds like a movie trailer, but it's not. It's a very good comparative analysis lesson focused on Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Learners will research and read informational...
Lesson Plan
Center for History Education

Should the Colonists Have Revolted Against Great Britain?

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Should the Americans have taken the plunge and revolted against Great Britain? Using documents, including the famed Common Sense and a Loyalist response, pupils conduct a lengthy investigation of the question. The interesting resource...
Lesson Plan

Building Background Knowledge: Jigsaw to Build and Share Expertise about the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, Part 2

For Teachers 5th Standards
Calling all experts! Using the educational resource, pupils work together in small expert groups, reading an article about the 2010 Haiti earthquake. As they read, they record two main ideas and supporting details from the text.
Lesson Plan

Design and Engineer Solutions

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
What's the best way to collect all that trash? A culminating activity has scholars use the knowledge and skills from the unit to design a solution to the plastic trash island problem. They use 3-D pens or a 3-D printer to build models of...
Lesson Plan

Engineering 101

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Make a structure too sturdy to fail. Scholars first watch a video and consider the reasons for the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse. They take part in two engineering challenges, one using newspapers and the other using spaghetti sticks...
Lesson Plan

The Problem of Plastic Trash Islands

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Trash collection can be a hassle, especially out in the ocean. The second of four parts in the Adrift in a Sea of Plastic unit has pupils research plastic trash islands in marine ecosystems. They investigate why they occur and potential...
Lesson Plan

TinkerCAD: Introduction to 3D Printing

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Steer young minds to build better boats. Future engineers first spend a few days exploring the TinkerCAD software and completing some embedded lessons. They then design sea crafts with buoyancy in mind and print them using a 3-D printer.
Lesson Plan

Synthesizing Information from Texts about Natural Disasters: What Makes an Earthquake a Natural Disaster?

For Teachers 5th Standards
Are all disasters natural? Scholars reread Earthquakes! to determine what classifies these events as a natural disaster. They label earthquake facts as N for natural or D disaster to support their ideas. They then discuss academic...
Lesson Plan

Building Background Knowledge and Making Inferences: What Is a Natural Disaster?

For Teachers 5th Standards
That's a disaster! Scholars complete a gallery walk to view images and make inferences about natural disasters. They fill out a note catcher about what they observe and infer any questions they may have. They then participate in a World...
Lesson Plan

Research Skills, Part 2: Natural Resource Development and How It Modifies the Physical Environment

For Teachers 5th Standards
Name your source. Scholars receive research folders with articles of information about natural resources. They use the sources to conduct research to answer questions about how Canada's environment meets the needs of the people and how...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part 1: Research and Response

For Teachers 5th Standards
Stay on target. The class reviews the learning targets for the unit and the end of unit assessment. Scholars then begin working on part one of the assessment answering how Canada's natural resources meet the needs of the people and how...
Lesson Plan

Research Skills, Part 1: Natural Resource Development and How it Modifies the Physical Environment

For Teachers 5th Standards
Put it in your own words. Scholars complete a mini instructional activity about paraphrasing then complete a note catcher using the text A Limited Supply. They continue studying Canada's natural resources by analyzing the graph...
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

Studying for Careers

For Teachers 5th Standards
A lesson bridges the connection between studying and careers. Scholars complete a vocabulary worksheet in preparation for a discussion on study habits and career skills. Learners fill out another worksheet to identify which study habits...
Lesson Plan

End-of-Unit Assessment: Writing a Draft Letter to A Publisher about an Athlete’s Legacy

For Teachers 5th Standards
Serving as the end-of-unit assessment, scholars draft letters to a publisher about an athlete's legacy. They then reflect on their progress by completing a self-assessment. 
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment: Notes and Graphic Organizer for a Letter to a Publisher

For Teachers 5th Standards
It's the halfway point! Scholars complete a mid-unit assessment to showcase their knowledge and skills so far. They create a graphic organizer, write an opinion about how their athlete created a legacy, and then record the best reasons...
Lesson Plan

Organizing an Opinion, Reasons, and Evidence: Expert Group Text 3

For Teachers 5th Standards
Let's race to the finish line. Scholars read an informational text about a chosen athlete. While reading, they add evidence and reasons to a graphic organizer to support their opinions about how their athlete broke barriers.