New Mexico State University
Atlantean Dodgeball
Develop ratios within sporting games. Class members watch a video about dodgeball and see how coaches compare the scores. Pupils then work with ratios to compare the scores throughout the tournament. Using their knowledge of ratios, they...
Newspaper Association of America
Power Pack: Lessons in Civics, Math, and Fine Arts
Newspaper in Education (NIE) Week honors the contributions of the newspaper and is celebrated in the resource within a civics, mathematics, and fine arts setting. The resource represents every grade from 3rd to 12th with questions...
Lane Community College
Review Sheets: Basic Mathematics 2
A good mix of Pre-Algebra problems, learners tackle everything from proportions and equations, to polygons and circles. The sections are broken up by topic with a list of the skills that are required to complete the questions.
Worksheet Fun
Fractions, Decimals and Percents #1
Grasp conversion with these excellent fraction, decimal, and percent worksheets that have a graphic model of place value. Mathematicians will grasp the concept in no time.
Worksheet Fun
Convert between Percents, Fractions and Decimals #1
Pre algebraic learners will be able to master conversion of fractions, decimals, and percents in no time when they use the illustrations on this resource.
Nuffield Foundation
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Mathematicians can embark on a math challenge. Fourteen pages of exercises for young algebra learners on fractions, decimals, and percentages let your learners put their skills to the test.
National Security Agency
It's Probably Probable
Learners make predictions and draw conclusions from given information as they learn the meaning of probability in this vocabulary-rich, integrated activity that presents a variety of teaching strategies to motivate and reach...
Study Jams! Percents
Sam's mom is a bowling woman and her birthday is around the corner. Can Sam afford the shirt in the store window for her? Mia helps him solve a multi-step percent problem to figure it out!
CK-12 Foundation
Conversion of Decimals, Fractions, and Percents
Five questions—true or false and multiple-choice—challenge mathematicians to convert decimals, fractions, and percents. An interactive table displays how to write a portion of shapes in a variety of ways. A discussion question concludes...
CK-12 Foundation
Comparison of Fractions, Decimals, and Percents: Filling in the Squares
An interactive equipped with five questions challenges mathematicians to convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. A diagram changes its size to visually depict conversions alongside symbols to compare them. Question types...
CK-12 Foundation
Fractions as Percents: Baking Cookies
A five-question interactive challenges mathematicians to solve word problems involving fractions as percents. Baking two different types of cookies and needing the exact amount requires scholars to make fractions, turn them into...
CK-12 Foundation
Percents as Fractions: A Fraction of a Percent
Five questions make up an interactive all about percents and fractions. Mathematicians answer multiple-choice and fill in the blank problems with help from a tool that converts percents to fractions using a sliding bar. An open...
Mathed Up!
Review a percentage of math skills. Designed to review for the General Certificate of Secondary Education Math assessment, the resource provides practice with a variety of percent problems. Items provide pupils problems ranging from...
Shodor Education Foundation
Dice Table
Convert a table to probabilities. Pupils set up the winning rules for the sums of two dice. Using the rules, the applet fills out a table showing the winners for each combination. Learners determine the probabilities of winning for each...
Beyond Benign
Municipal Waste Generation
Statistically, waste may become a problem in the future if people do not take action. Using their knowledge of statistics and data representation, pupils take a look at the idea of waste generation. The four-part unit has class members...
CK-12 Foundation
Pie Charts: Soda Party
Using the interactive, pupils create a pie chart that represents the percentage of sodas bought for a party. Individuals need to determine the percentage and number for the final variety of drinks. The learners determine how the...
A Fraction as a Percent
It is all about being equivalent. Class members convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. By using visual models, scholars verify their conversions in the 25th portion of a 29-part series.
End-of-Module Assessment Task: Grade 7 Mathematics Module 4
Asses the class to determine their knowledge of proportional relationships involving percents. Class members work through the nine-question assessment with a variety of percent problems. The multi-step problems involve simple interest,...
Counting Problems
Solving these percent problems is a matter of counting. Pupils find percents by counting the number of events that meet the criteria and the total number of possibilities. Participants create the ratio and convert it to a percent to...
Fluency with Percents
Pupils build confidence working with percents as they work several types of percent problems to increase their fluency. The resource contains two sets of problems specifically designed to build efficiency in finding solutions of basic...
Extend percent understandings to include percents less than one and greater than 100. A great lesson has pupils build upon their knowledge of percents from sixth grade. They convert between fractions, decimals, and percents that are less...
Mid-Module Assessment Task: Grade 7 Mathematics Module 4
Assess the ability of the class to solve percent problems with an assessment that covers a variety of percent problems from basic to multi-step. Pupils make connections between percent problems and proportional thinking to complete...
Part of a Whole as a Percent
Pupils use visual models, numeric methods, and equations to solve percent problems. To complete the second installment of 20, they find the part given the percent and the whole, find the percent given the part and the whole, and find the...
Noyce Foundation
Mixing Paints
Let's paint the town equal parts yellow and violet, or simply brown. Pupils calculate the amount of blue and red paint needed to make six quarts of brown paint. Individuals then explain how they determined the percentage of the brown...