
Art and the Cosmic Connection

For Teachers K - 12th
Solar art inspires! Scholars study planetary geology with an artistic analysis. Pupils view a PowerPoint presentation on the solar system and space exploration and then try their hand at planetary image analysis using art techniques. 
Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

Enceladus, I Barely Knew You

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Use spectral knowledge to make discoveries on a distant moon. Small groups gather information from images of one of Saturn's moons. The moon orbits within the E-ring made up of mainly water ice. Using information about the composition of...
Lesson Plan

Exploring the Moon

For Teachers K - 4th
Can plants grow on the moon? The second lesson in a five-part series has pupils explore the resources available on the moon to determine if plant life is possible. They use lava rocks as their soil and draw conclusions about the...

The Saturn System Through the Eyes of Cassini

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Get a close-up view of Saturn. Pupils read a NASA eBook filled with images of the Saturn system, including the rings and moons of Saturn along with images of the planet itself. Learners become familiar with the planet's system as they...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Meet Our Neighbors: Moon

For Students 1st - 6th
Since a field trip to the moon isn't possible, bring the moon to young astronomers! Participants use everyday materials to create models of the moon and represent the features on its surface. The materials serve as a tactile as well as a...
Lesson Plan
California Academy of Science

Moons in Comparison

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Just how big is Earth's moon? With a hands-on simulation, scholars use Play-Doh to model the sizes of the planets Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and their moons. They make predictions as a class, work together to make their models, and discuss...
Lesson Plan
Johnson County Community College

Treasured Stories by Eric Carle

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd Standards
Explore the works of Eric Carle with a set of four lessons focused around the stories, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Young readers develop a storyboard,...
CK-12 Foundation

Venn Diagrams: Planets and Dwarf Planets of the Solar System

For Students 6th - 8th
Yes, Venn diagrams are helpful in science, too. Learners use an interactive to classify celestial bodies as having moons, as dwarf plants, as both, or as neither. They answer a set of challenge questions based on the Venn diagrams they...
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Explore Saturn and Titan with Spectral Data

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Titan is Saturn's largest moon and has its own atmosphere. An attention-grabbing tutorial allows learners to analyze the spectrum of Saturn and Titan to determine their elemental compositions. Scholars compare a known element's spectrum...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Sun, Earth and Moon Model

For Students 3rd - 5th
The moon orbits Earth while the Earth is rotating, and the Earth revolves around the sun. This can be a tricky concept for young astronomers. Implement an activity that helps distinguish between the movements of Earth's systems around...
Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

Phases of Charon

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Pluto, although no longer considered a planet, has five moons. Pluto's moon, Charon, is the focus of a resource that describes how the moon is viewed from the surface of Pluto. Photos help individuals see how Charon would look at...
SciShow Kids

Make a Moon Puzzle! #sciencegoals

For Students K - 6th Standards
Craft a moon puzzle with the help of an energetic and captivating video. Listen and watch while the host demonstrates the step-by-step process and includes a plethora of useful information about the moon.   
Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

The Moons of Jupiter

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Can you name the three planets with rings in our solar system? Everyone knows Saturn, many know Uranus, but most people are surprised to learn that Jupiter also has a ring. The third in a series of six teaches pupils what is around...
Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

The Moons of Jupiter

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Middle schoolers analyze given data on density and diameter of objects in space by graphing the data and then discussing their findings. This ninth installment of a 22-part series emphasizes the Galilean moons as compared to other objects. 
Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

The Jovian System: A Scale Model

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Jupiter has 67 moons! As the seventh in a series of 22, the exercise shows learners the size and scale of Jupiter and its Galilean moons through a model. They then arrange the model to show how probes orbited and gathered data.
Lesson Plan

Science Lesson Plan: Our Solar System: I Wonder?

For Teachers 2nd - 4th
Ever wonder why Pluto isn't considered a planet? Or how large the Earth is compared to the other inner planets? Explore the universe with a series of projects that simulate different aspects of our solar system. The activities require...
It's About Time

The Earth-Moon System

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Explore the earth-moon system with blossoming astronomers in this fun-filled activity. They begin by investigating lunar phases and differentiating between each. They continue the activity by learning about tidal forces and how these are...
Keep it Simple Science

The Earth in Space

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Skim the surface of the earth with this brief, compact, summary of outer space. The sun, stars, galaxies, planets, and phases of the moon can be found in this all-in-one resource. Seventh graders will enjoy these simple worksheets to do...
Super Teacher Worksheets

Our Solar System Scavenger Hunt Activity

For Teachers 3rd - 6th Standards
Send students on a search for facts about the solar system with this scavenger hunt activity. Whether they are finding out how far the sun is from the earth, or the names of all four gas giants, this resource will engage young scientists...
Mr. Hill's Science Website

Solar System Fact Sheet

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Here is a fantastic, educational handout packed with information and facts not only about the planets in our solar system, but also regarding major moons and their surface features, dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids. 

Study Jams! The Universe

For Students 4th - 8th
Take your kids on a trip through the universe as they explore galaxies, solar systems, stars, and more. Watch the short video, then have learners show their knowledge with the included quiz. Supplement the video by having teams build a...

Interactive Minds: Solar System

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Travel through space as you learn about the galaxy, solar system, planets, and much more. An extensive resource for studying astronomy in upper-elementary and middle school classrooms.
Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

Phases of Charon

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Charon, the largest of Pluto's moons, was discovered in 1978. Lesson is a walk through of how to solve for the phases of Charon. It uses two different points on Pluto and takes into account the tilt of the pole, the rotational axis, and...
Curated OER

Solar System Quiz

For Students 2nd - 4th
For this space science worksheet, students complete an eight question quiz about the solar system. The quiz has multiple choice, short answer and true or false questions.