Lesson Plan
Mascil Project

Molecular Gastronomy - Science in the Kitchen

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Some say cooking is an art—and a science! Scholars scope out the savory subject of molecular gastronomy with a series of related activities. The teacher's guide contains printable worksheets and helpful tips for implementing the lesson.

Using Models to Understand Photosynthesis

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Is your class in the dark about photosynthesis? Shed some sunlight on an important biological process with a thoughtful activity. After answering questions to help determine their level of knowledge, learners work with chemical equations...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

A Whole New World: The Search for Water

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Scholars find Earth won't support humans much longer and need to identify a planet with water to inhabit. They test four unknown samples and determine which is the closest to water. Then they explain and defend their results.
Lesson Plan
Global Oneness Project

Living with Less Water

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Did you know that California produces two thirds of the fruits and nuts consumed in the United States? That it produces almost one third of the vegetables? Did you know that scientists warn that California is facing the onset of a...

Fluid Pressure and Flow

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
This simulation begins with an exploration of water pressure and atmospheric pressure. In the flow portion, scholars reshape a pipe and see fluid dynamics at work. The water tower portion encourages pupils to determine how water...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Can Gases Dissolve in Water?

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Why does soda fizz when opened? Learners discuss the appearance of bubbles in soda bottles when opened. In groups, they design and complete an experiment comparing the amount of carbon dioxide dissolving in cold versus hot liquids.  
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Changing State: Melting

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Dry ice is extremely cold — it is -109.3°F or -78.5°C. Scholars observe and explain the molecular motion associated with melting. Then they design their own experiments to speed up the melting process. Finally, a teacher presents a...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Changing State: Freezing

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
There are five types of frost: ground frost, air frost, hoar frost, glaze, and rime. Scholars mix ice and salt in a metal container to observe frost forming on the outside of the can. Animations and videos enhance the learning. 
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Changing State: Evaporation

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Why do experiments require a control? Guide scholars through designing an experiment to see what they can do to evaporate water faster with a lesson that stresses the importance of controlling all variables. The second activity allows...

Sugar and Salt Solutions

For Students 6th - Higher Ed Standards
Ionic bonds form from electrostatic energy, allowing for higher conductivity than those seen in covalent bonds. In the simulation, learners add sugar and salt to water and see the effects on concentration and conductivity of their...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Can Liquids Dissolve in Water?

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
How does food coloring work? Classes watch a demonstration showing liquids dissolving in liquids. In groups, they then explore the ability of other liquids to dissolve in water (alcohol, mineral oil, and corn syrup) by setting up and...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Why Does Water Dissolve Sugar?

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Did you know that if you wait long enough, the M on the outside of an M and M will float to the surface when submerged in water? Learners observe the sugar coating of an M and M while it is dissolving in water. They explain how this...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Changing State: Condensation

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
When you have a cold drink and you notice the water forming on the outside, it is literally pulling the water from the surrounding air to form the condensation. After watching a demonstration of condensation forming on a glass,...
Lesson Plan
SRI International


For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
How can everyone in the world have access to clean drinking water? Throughout the lesson, learners read about and listen to how water is filtered, what the filtration process removes, and  the best ways to filter. They explore the...
Lesson Plan
Teach Engineering

Introduction to Water Chemistry

For Teachers 7th - 9th
What are the issues surrounding water quality? Viewers of this short presentation gain information about the importance of clean water, the lack of fresh water, water contamination, and ways that engineers treat water. 
Lesson Plan

The Importance of Food

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Pupils make observations while eating food. They act out the process of food breaking down in the body and the roles of various chemical components, such as sugar and protein. It concludes with an activity illustrating the process and a...
Lesson Plan
Journey Through the Universe

Where to Look For Life?

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Every year we discover new planets including more than 1,000 in 2016 alone. Will we ever find life on another planet? The lesson plan includes two activities to help scholars understand this concept. First, they analyze the temperature...
Unit Plan

Global Water Supply Middle School Curriculum

For Teachers 6th - 8th
We take a steady shower stream and clean drinking water for granted, but in many countries around the world, the lack of water or a clean water supply is responsible for higher sickness and death rates. Taking a closer look at the water...
Lesson Plan
Safe Drinking Water Foundation

Water Bottles Everywhere

For Teachers 5th - 12th Standards
Young environmentalists examine how water bottle use is polluting the waters on our earth. In groups, your students study the handout on their assigned topic and present their findings to the rest of the class. Leading up to this lesson,...
Lesson Plan
Safe Drinking Water Foundation

Demonstration of Water Pollution

For Teachers 5th - 12th Standards
In this teacher-led demonstration, your young environmentalists will observe and record how different types of water pollutants look when they are combined. From here, individuals will develop a hypothesis on how the water can be...
Lesson Plan
Safe Drinking Water Foundation

How Water Pollution Is Cleaned Up

For Teachers 5th - 12th Standards
As a follow-up from the previous lesson, young environmentalists discuss the benefits of water filtration and whether or not it's the best option. Other alternatives including air stripping, bioremediation, and phytoremediation are...
Lesson Plan
Safe Drinking Water Foundation

Make Your Own Water Pollution

For Teachers 5th - 12th
Using the polluted water that was made in the prior lesson, your young environmentalists will mix pollutants together in an experiment. Then, they will design a water filter that will clean the polluted water to use in the next lesson....
Lesson Plan
Safe Drinking Water Foundation

Cause and Effect of Water Pollution

For Teachers 5th - 10th Standards
Your young scholars will become aware of and be able to list the major types and sources of water pollution. Being able to recognize that the household, agriculture, and industry sectors of society contribute to water pollution, is the...
Lesson Plan
Safe Drinking Water Foundation

Types of Water Pollution

For Teachers 5th - 12th Standards
In groups, young environmentalists investigate water samples that are contaminated with different types of pollutants. Each group presents their findings to the class and fills out the "Types of Pollutants Chart." This lesson is meant...