Thoughtful Learning

Seeing Emotion in Facial Expressions

For Students K - 8th
Learning to read body language, especially facial expressions, is the focus of a mini-lesson. Young learners examine a series of photographs, identify the emotion being illustrated, and then discuss the cues that revealed the emotion.
Health Smart Virginia

Emotional Intelligence Quotient

For Students 8th - 10th
As an end of the Health Smart unit self-assessment, scholars design a cup with a logo and motto that reveals their emotional intelligence. To prepare, individuals complete a worksheet describing the seven Emotional Intelligence Quotients...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Identifying Feelings

For Parents 6th - 12th
A self-awareness activity teaches pupils to identify their feelings by focusing on different parts of their bodies. Participants begin by focusing attention on their feet, then calves, moving up slowly to the top of their head, and...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Identifying Feelings

For Parents 3rd - 5th
Following a breathing exercise, scholars examine facial expressions and body posture to identify feelings. The exercise ends with a reflection.
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Identifying Feelings

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Young scholars identify feelings through facial expressions and body language. Learners listen for a feeling word, then act it out and discuss how they portrayed it.
Committee for Children

Learn to Identify What’s Bullying, What’s Joking, and How to Deal With It

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
A quick lesson takes a look at the differences between bullying and joking. Through whole-class discussion, scholars identify between the two behaviors and brainstorm actions to take to cease bullying behavior. Small groups share with...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

I Can Keep Calm

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Strong emotions may arise at anytime and any where. This activity boosts self-awareness and management for when young learners require assistance with their feelings. Tips include: remaining calm, breathing, explaining how they feel, and...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Pausing the Action

For Parents 3rd - 5th
A self-management exercise allows scholars to mindfully pause the action by identifying emotions and changing their thought processes. When pupils feel strongly about something, they imagine themselves as a remote they can pause to...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Managing Stress

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
An exercise offers young scholars a coping skill to manage stress or other strong emotions. Learners identify the emotion, focus on how their body feels physically, then pretend they are holding a balloon over their heads, blow their...
Amani Project

Teach the Mood Meter

For Parents 3rd - 8th
The third activity from the Amani Project has youths create a Mood Meter. The colorful meter, divided into red, yellow, blue, and green squares, lets participants indicate not only how they are feeling but also permits them to indicate...
Amani Project

Harmony Break! Finding Emotions With Music

For Parents 3rd - 8th
Gather the entire family (or class members) for a fun Harmony Break! A volunteer thinks of a color from their Mood Meter that they will express by singing, playing an instrument, or performing a dance. After the performance, the audience...

Robot Body Language

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Don't be so emotional! Scholars take part in an activity where they consider how future robots will be able to show emotions. They place paper bags over their heads, act out emotions through body movements, and have others guess the...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Managing Stress

For Parents 3rd - 5th
Help scholars manage stress with an activity that prompts them to think of their feelings as clouds floating over their heads. Learners identify their feelings, focus on their responses, and allow them to float away.
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Impulse Control

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
A coping skill helps to manage emotions. Young scholars pretend they are a remote control. When they feel strongly about something, they pause their actions, take a deep breath, reflect, and press play to get back to what they were doing.
Amani Project

Write a CoronaKindness Song

For Students 3rd - 8th
And the beat goes on! Finding a way to connect during the isolation imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic can be challenging. This activity from the Amani Project offers a way to stay close during a time of physical distancing....
Committee for Children

Students Learn to Stop Rumors Before They Start

For Teachers 4th - 5th Standards
Two activities look at how rumors are spread and ways class members can stop them. The first activity brings forth an in-depth conversation about how reporters gather information to write articles and how students can implement the same...
Amani Project

Harmony Break! Mood Shifting

For Parents 3rd - 8th
The fifth activity in the Amani Project series, another Harmony Break, has participants demonstrate a mood shift. They begin by drumming in a way that indicates their current feelings. They then model a change in mood by transitioning...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Recognizing Strengths

For Parents 3rd - 5th
Encourage self-awareness with an activity that allows scholars to look inward. Learners identify their strengths and challenges and brainstorm ways to better themselves. 
Facing History and Ourselves

Compass Points

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Needs, Suggestions, Excitement, and Worries. A Compass Points worksheet asks pupils to give feedback on that day's lesson. Learners identify what they need from the instructor and classmates, what excites them about the class, what...
Facing History and Ourselves

Closing Challenge

For Teachers 6th - 12th
The future can be yours to see with a bit of planning. That's the takeaway from a routine that asks participants to first brainstorm a list of personal and academic goals. Individuals then select one to focus on for the week, identify...
WE Charity

Exploring the Four Leadership Styles

For Teachers 8th - 12th Standards
What is your leadership style? Tweens and teens independently complete a Four Leadership Styles worksheet. Once completed, they use a leadership code to identify their prominent leadership style. Class members gather by style, brainstorm...
Plum Tree

Teaching Your Child How to "Deep Breathe"

For Students K - 6th
Feeling stressed, angry, or nervous? It's time to practice the exercise detailed in Deep Breathe to breathe your cares away. The activity brings the focus back to one's self and identifies the importance of staying calm. 
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Self-Motivation

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Encourage self-motivation with an activity that allows scholars to reflect on their challenges and set goals to better them. A script prompts pupils to listen to the Can-Do Coach inside them. An inspiring statement reminds participants...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Recognizing Strengths

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Learners think of something they're good at and reflect on how they feel about it. Pupils then think of ways to be even better at it and set a mental goal to practice.