Santa Ana Unified School District
Frida Kahlo
Before one can understand the work of Frida Kahlo, one needs to understand her life. Provide learners with background information on Frida's life as a person and a painter. The slides then provide information regarding several of her...
Curated OER
Famous People of the Twenties
Meet some of the people who made headlines during the 1920s. You'll be introduced to names of famous musicians, politicians, bad guys, athletes, reformers, and writers of the time. Images of each individual along with a brief about their...
Curated OER
Famous Victorians
Who were the Victorians? They were people who lived and made public contributions during the Victorian Age. First the class learns a bit about several famous Victorians, then they complete a series of activities using their text. They...
Curated OER
History Detectives: Who Does the Bag Belong To?
Turn your kids into super sleuths! They use all eight clues to determine who owns the mystery bag. Each slide shows one clue to the famous person's identity, it's up to your class to find out who the bag belongs to! Tip: This idea could...
Curated OER
Compare And Contrast-- People of Eminence
In this social studies activity, students are directed to a Web site to read about famous people. Students choose 2 people and use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast. Students then investigate the difference between being "famous"...
Curated OER
Rowan Atkinson: Famous People, ELL Assignment
This 13-page assignment was designed for English language learners. It includes a one-page reading on the comedic actor Rowan Atkinson and 10 activities/exercises that focus on listening and reading comprehension, speaking, vocabulary...
Curated OER
Famous People: Teacher Notes
Young statisticians practice creating scatter plots. First, they estimate the age of 14 people. Next, they write down the estimate in a table labeled x. Then write down their actual age in the table labeled y. Using these x and y...
Curated OER
Cristina Kirchner: Famous People (ELL Assignment)
This lengthy assignment for English language learners includes a one-page reading on the Argentinian president, Cristina Kirchner, and numerous activities/exercises that address listening and reading comprehension, speaking, vocabulary...
Curated OER
Famous People: Student Worksheet
Older learners consider a list of famous people, and they fill in two columns; one in which they guess the celebrities' ages, and another where they look up their actual age. They construct a graph by assigning one of the columns...
Curated OER
Black History: Famous People, Movements, Events (Crossword Puzzle)
If you want a light exercise to review 12 famous people, events, and movements in American history, with a focus on African-American history, this crossword puzzle may be useful. It requires familiarity with Rosa Parks, Martin Luther...
Curated OER
Wales Quiz 2
In this country of Wales worksheet, learners answer short answer questions about famous people, famous places, and more about the country. Students complete 17 short answer questions.
Curated OER
China Quiz 1
In this China worksheet, learners answer short answer questions about the history, geography, and famous people of China. Students complete 27 questions.
Curated OER
Guess Who's Coming to Our Classroom
Students use their research skills to determine the famous person given in clues. Using a character recently dicussed in their classroom, they discuss how they would create a costume for them. They write sentences to be used as dialogue...
Curated OER
Why do we remember people?
How do some people get put into history books, and why are they remembered? Younger kids review a series of people who have been remembered throughout history for the things they did. Whether infamous or simply famous, these historical...
Curated OER
Famous People in History
This is an introduction intended for grades 6-8 that focuses on famous people. It begins by asking learners to think about what makes a person famous. It shows various individuals in recent decades that have been considered famous, then...
Curated OER
People Who "Think Different"
Learners conduct Internet research on one famous person to explore his/her important contributions to society.
Curated OER
Research Famous People in History
A research project about famous people in history can be an interesting, and motivating assignment for students.
Curated OER
Success and Fame
Learners explore success and fame. In this success lesson students discuss famous quotations about success. Learners give their own definitions of success.
Curated OER
English Lesson Plan on Barack Obama
In this English worksheet, students read about Barack Obama. Students engage in a variety of reading and listening comprehension activities related to the article on Barack Obama.
Curated OER
Chapter 5 - Cram Jam Session
Explore new vocabulary words which cover a diverse array of concepts from the world of business, immigration to the U.S., and immigrants who became famous inventors and business people in our country with your class. This is a great...
Curated OER
Jennifer Lopez
In this famous people worksheet, students read about Jennifer Lopez and complete a variety of comprehension activities including but not limited to synonym matching, sequencing, writing, spelling and vocabulary activities.
Curated OER
Leonardo DiCaprio
In this famous people worksheet, students read a selection about Leonardo DiCaprio and complete a variety of comprehension questions including but not limited to a synonym matching, spelling and vocabulary, writing and sequencing...
Curated OER
Preity Zinta
In this famous people worksheet, students read about Preity Zinta and complete a variety of comprehension activities including but not limited to synonym matching, sequencing, writing, spelling and vocabulary activities.
Curated OER
Vaneeza Ahmed
In this famous people learning exercise, learners read about Vaneeza Ahmed and complete a variety of comprehension activities including but not limited to synonym matching, sequencing, writing, spelling and vocabulary activities.