Unit Plan
Mathematics Vision Project

Module 8: Modeling Data

For Teachers 8th - 10th Standards
Statistics come front and center in this unit all about analyzing discrete data. Real-world situations yield data sets that the class then uses to tease out connections and conclusions. Beginning with the basic histogram and...
Lesson Plan

Summarizing Bivariate Categorical Data

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
How do you summarize data that cannot be averaged? Using an exploratory method, learners complete a two-way frequency table on super powers. The subject matter builds upon 8th grade knowledge of two-way tables. 
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Describing Data

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Your learners will practice many ways of describing data using coordinate algebra in this unit written to address many Common Core State Standards. Simple examples of different ways to organize data are shared and then practice problems...
Lesson Plan
Mascil Project

Sports Physiology and Statistics

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
If I want to build up my heart, where should I start? Science scholars use statistics in a sports physiology setting during an insightful experiment. Groups measure resting and active heart rates and develop a scatter plot that shows the...
Unit Plan
Mathematics Vision Project

Module 9: Modeling Data

For Teachers 8th - 10th Standards
How many different ways can you model data? Scholars learn several in the final module in a series of nine. Learners model data with dot plots, box plots, histograms, and scatter plots. They also analyze the data based on the data...
Lesson Plan

Variability in a Data Distribution

For Teachers 6th Standards
Scholars investigate the spread of associated data sets by comparing the data sets to determine which has a greater variability. Individuals then interpret the mean as the typical value based upon the variability.
Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching

Ten Data Analysis Activities

For Students 9th - 12th
This thirteen page data analysis learning exercise contains a number of interesting problems regarding statistics. The activities cover the concepts of average measurements, standard deviation, box and whisker plots, quartiles, frequency...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Human Population- Changes in Survival Rates Data Interpretation

For Teachers 10th - Higher Ed
In this human population changes in survival worksheet, learners interpret and plot data to understand the differences in human mortality and survivorship between historic and modern times. They investigate how these changes influence...
University of California

Student Workbook: Statistics and Probability

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Statistically, practicing this packet completely helps young mathematicians do well on the test. The packet is adaptable to many grade levels as it includes basic probability and goes up to data analysis with mean, median, and mode. 
Education Development Center

Creating Data Sets from Statistical Measures

For Students 6th - 7th Standards
Explore the measures of central tendency through a challenging task. Given values for the mean, median, mode, and range, collaborative groups create a set of data that would produce those values. They then critique other answers and...
Lesson Plan

Summarizing a Data Distribution by Describing Center, Variability, and Shape

For Teachers 6th Standards
Put those numbers to work by completing a statistical study! Pupils finish the last two steps in a statistical study by summarizing data with displays and numerical summaries. Individuals use the summaries to answer the statistical...
Los Angeles County Office of Education

Assessment For The California Mathematics Standards Grade 6

For Students 6th Standards
Test your scholars' knowledge of a multitude of concepts with an assessment aligned to the California math standards. Using the exam, class members show what they know about the four operations, positive and negative numbers, statistics...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Using Computer for Statistical Analysis

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students use the computer and S'COOL data for statistical analysis.
Unit Plan
Mathematics Vision Project

Modeling Data

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Is there a better way to display data to analyze it? Pupils represent data in a variety of ways using number lines, coordinate graphs, and tables. They determine that certain displays work with different types of data and use two-way...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Analyzing and Interpreting Statistics

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Use measures of variance to compare and analyze data sets. Pupils match histograms of data sets to their respective statistical measures. They then use calculated statistics to further analyze groups of data and use the results to make...
Teach Engineering

Applying Statistics to Nano-Circuit Dimensions in Fabrication

For Students 11th - 12th Standards
Do flexible circuits change dimensions during fabrication? Groups use GeoGebra software to measure the length of pictures of flexible nano-circuits. To determine if the circuits change dimensions, future engineers use Microsoft Excel to...
Lesson Plan
American Statistical Association

Don't Spill the Beans!

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Become a bean counter. Pupils use a fun activity to design and execute an experiment to determine whether they can grab more beans with their dominant hand or non-dominant hand. They use the class data to create scatter plots and then...
Concord Consortium

Gestation and Longevity

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Is the gestation length of an animal a predictor of the average life expectancy of that animal? Learners analyze similar data for more than 50 different animals. They choose a data display and draw conclusions from their graphs.
Curated OER


For Students 9th
In this statistics learning exercise, 9th graders solve and complete 10 various types of problems that include using different types of graphs to illustrate data. First, they determine the median score for each stem-and-leaf plot. Then,...
Curated OER


For Students 7th - 8th
In this statistics learning exercise, students solve and complete 6 different problems that include determining various types of statistics. First, they determine the data set where the median value is equal to the mean value. Then,...
Unit Plan
Benjamin Franklin High School

Saxon Math: Algebra 2 (Section 3)

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
In this third of a twelve-part series, the focus moves from using matrices to solving systems of equations with substitution and elimination, including more than two dimensions and variables in equations, and analyzing statistical data....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Integration: Statistics

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this math worksheet, young scholars find the mean, median and mode for 6 number sets. Students then find the median and mode for data found in 2 stem-and-leaf plots.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Baseball Statistics

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Students read "Casey at the Bat" and then use individual player statistics (found through internet research)to determine if their players could be considered baseball "heroes". They must justify their choices for "hero" by creating...
Curated OER


For Students 9th
For this statistics worksheet, 9th graders solve and complete 10 various types of multiple choice problems. First, they determine the mean number of miles per day that were completed. Then, students determine the data set that has a...