US Department of Energy
Thermodynamics—Teacher Guide
I'm so cool! No, you're exothermic. This thermodynamics lab unit includes an introduction, teacher demonstrations, six labs that students rotate through each class day, homework assignments, application of knowledge, and...
US Department of Energy
Geothermal Energy
With Earth Day quickly approaching, as well as many science fairs, why not challenge your class to investigate geothermal energy or other renewable energy resources? There are five driving questions explored in depth here, as well as...
US Department of Energy
Thermal Expansion of Water: Rise of Sea Level
Using bunsen burners, Erlenmeyer flasks, thermometers, hollow glass tubes, stoppers, and rulers, learners experiment with and measure how water expands when heated. The activity connects the expansion of water when heated to global...
US Department of Energy
Effects of Solar Radiation on Land and Sea
Earth science enthusiasts experiment to compare the heating rates of soil and water. They relate their findings to the weather conditions near bodies of water. Consider also having middle schoolers measure the cooling rates to...
US Department of Energy
The Invisible Electromagnet: A Transparent Magnetic Field Viewer
Audio speakers, hard drives, credit cards, and even the earth use magnetic fields. While we observe the effect of magnetic fields, we can't actually see them. A viewer helps participants explore magnetic fields, some of the items that...
US Department of Energy
Electromagnet Experiment Stand: A Variable Power Electromagnet
Electromagnets come in both large and small scales—from big machinery in scrap yards to hard disk drives. Here's a resource that provides directions for building a variable electromagnet on a stand. Scholars then experiment with the...
US Department of Energy
Magnets on a Stick: A Magnetic Force Demonstration Device
Why do some magnets attract while others repel? Scholars use clearly labeled permanent magnets to explore the attractive question. They compare the behavior of like versus opposite poles to find the answer.
US Department of Energy
Go Far Cars Ramp: A Basic Ramp with Four Height Settings
Precise measurements make the job easier! One of the challenges when using an inclined plane for testing comes from pupils not using exact measurements. They often rely on books that slide or different ramp lengths when experimenting. By...
US Department of Energy
Get Connected!—An Electrical Conductivity Tester
Pupils test various materials to learn if the materials are conductors or insulators. They observe a small electric charge go through, or not go through, a material to light up a small bulb.
US Department of Energy
Electric Avenue: Parallel and Series Circuits
Can you infer the wiring diagram of a series of lights based on their behavior alone? Scholars work with multiple boxes of four lights. They must flip the switch and decide how the lights are wired. By applying their knowledge of...
US Department of Energy
The Ring Fling Machine
Class members build a machine to demonstrate Lenz's law and help this scientific principle come to life. After building a ring fling machine, instructions for properly operating the machine and a few thought-provoking questions lead to...
US Department of Energy
Hydrogen and Electrolysis
Electrify your science class with this simple electrolysis experiment. After first reading about hydrogen and its potential as an alternative energy source, a demonstration is performed showing young scientists how water molecules can be...
US Department of Energy
Solar Cooking
Who needs a barbecue grill to cook hot dogs when you have the amazing power of the sun at your disposal? Engage young scientists in learning about solar energy with this fun activity that turns a used Pringles can into a solar...
US Department of Energy
Building the Basic PVC Wind Turbine
Here is a comprehensive and well-written lesson plan that results in learners building a standard wind turbine. Once built, teens can design a variety of experiments to test different factors. This activity is a noble undertaking that...
US Department of Energy
Help your class improve the energy efficiency of their homes with the draft-o-meter. Simply tape a sheet of plastic wrap to a pencil and use it to observe any air leaking through windows, doorways, and other locations around the house....
US Department of Energy
Sunlight and Evaporation
Here is a simple inquiry experiment designed to demonstrate that the energy from sunlight can evaporate water. Young scientists follow provided procedural steps to construct a model of our atmosphere using a bowl, a cup, water and...
US Department of Energy
Solar Distiller
Explore the sun's ability to distill contaminated water with this simple set of classroom experiments. After filling two glass bowls, one with muddy water and the other with salt water, they are covered with plastic wrap and placed...
US Department of Energy
Doe: Joint Genome Institute
This Department of Energy site has up-to-date information and statistics on the progress of all JGI genome sequencing projects.
US Department of Energy
U.s. Dept. Of Energy: Project Learning Tree: Energy Detectives [Pdf]
Investigate how energy is used throughout the day. Find out where energy is found, explore the energy around, and complete an energy journal.
US Department of Energy
Need Project: Solar Oven [Pdf]
An introduction and activity to engage students in building a solar oven.
US Department of Energy
Us Dept. Of Energy: Urbita Elementary School: Linda Gregory: Draft O Meter [Pdf]
Students will observe drafts in homes and in the classroom to determine if or how much heat or air conditioning is escaping. How can the rooms be made more energy efficient?
US Department of Energy
Us Department of Energy: Creating Biofuel and Mitigating Waste [Pdf]
A 36-page lesson unit where young scholars create biodiesel from waste and clean vegetable oil, analyze the biodiesel fuel and purify it, as well as create soap from glycerin. They are also asked to prepare a presentation on their work...
US Department of Energy
U.s. Department of Energy: Energy Savers
Find information on everything from buying energy-efficient products to using the proper landscaping for particular climates to conserve resources. Starting with an energy assessment, this website will help users reduce their consumption...
US Department of Energy
The United States Department of Energy
Official site from the Department of Energy contains the mission of the Department.