
How to Create a “Found Poem”

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Writers compose an original found poem by searching for words that inspire them. Words are taken from everyday conversation, books, cut from magazines, the mail, or an already written poem. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Instead of assigning the writing portion for homework, assign the last portion during English language arts period 
  • Send a letter home asking families to donate magazines, newspapers, etc. 
Classroom Considerations
  • Browse material prior to handing it out to ensure that it is appropriate for participants to look through 
  • The time it takes to complete the activity varies depending on how class members collect their words 
  • Each style is explained in detail 
  • The activity enhances creativity and writing skills 
  • Includes a picture of the multicolored index cards mentioned in the first writing format 
  • An example is not included