Instructional Video

On This Day: The Battle at Antietam

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The Battle of Antietam was the deadliest day of the Civil War. An eye-opening video is filmed at the Antietam battlefield and provides pupils with an overview of the battle. Academics learn the military strategy General Lee and McClellan used during the battle and a timeline of events. The Union declared victory at Antietam even though the battle resulted in the most causalities of any Civil War battle. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Use the resource to introduce a lesson on the Battle of Antietam
  • Compare the information in the video to other battles of the Civil War
  • Appropriate for remote learning
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires a fee C-SPAN classroom account, or use the following login credentials: Username: students, Password: C-SPANCLASSROOM

  • Easy to combine with a larger unit on the Civil War
  • Resource provides learners with modern-day footage of the battlefield 
  • None