Lesson Plan
Education World

Public Speaking Lesson: The Impact of Bullying

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
It's one thing to prevent yourself from becoming a bully, but how do you convince others to follow suit? Take the first step in creating a better world with a public speaking lesson plan that prompts learners to write and present...
Unit Plan
Indiana Department of Education

The Represented World: Communication—Packaging

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Challenge your classes to design and market a new product. Collaborative groups use geometry skills to create packaging for their products. Finally, they plan a marketing strategy to present to a marketing specialist.
Unit Plan
Maker Media

Makerspace Playbook

For Teachers K - 12th
Make the most of project-based learning with Makerspace. A playbook shows instructors and other interested parties how to set up a Makerspace and Maker community to foster STEM projects. It gives ideas for startup activities and for...
Lesson Plan

Investigate the Plastic Problem

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Plastics are forever. The second lesson in a 10-part unit has pupils research the effects of plastics on the environment. They present their findings by creating an infographic.
Unit Plan
Big Learning

The Antarctica Project: A Middle School Mathematics Unit

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Antarctica is a big place, large enough to provide ample opportunities to learn about math. A two-week unit teaches middle school mathematics concepts using project-based learning. The resource covers functions, geometry (area,...
Unit Plan
Indiana Department of Education

Amusement of the Future

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Take your class on the ride of their lives! Physical science scholars get an in-depth look at potential and kinetic energies in an amusement park-themed unit. Students research, design, and promote their own amusement parks, complete...
Lesson Plan
Nature Works Everywhere

Sustainable Cities

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Investigate aspects of sustainable cities and relate them to where you live! A detailed lesson first investigates the definition of sustainability. Learners then explore human impact on the environment and social justice. Their final...
Unit Plan
Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Life In A Nest: Exploring Life Cycles With Bird Cams

For Students 6th - 12th
Why read about it when you can watch it happen? Bird cams make it possible for learners to experience the life cycle of a bird in real time! An engaging set of lessons provides activities to connect their learning to bird cam...
North Penn School District

The Catcher in the Rye

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Learning more about Holden Caulfield's worldview and state of mind is an integral part of understanding J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. A thorough packet of materials pertaining to the unit allow learners to build prior knowledge...
Lesson Plan
American Physiological Society

Sit On It

For Teachers 7th
How do product designers come up with the variety of things we see in stores and on TV every day? They identify a need, then create something that meets that need. Sounds simple, right? A two-week lesson puts seventh graders in that role...
Lesson Plan
American Physiological Society

Feeling the Heat

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How do the changing seasons affect the homes where we live? This question is at the forefront of engineering and design projects. Challenge your physical science class to step into the role of an architect to build a model home capable...
Lesson Plan
University of Minnesota

Altered Reality

For Teachers 5th - 12th
Fascinate young life scientists by showing them how their brain learns. By using prism goggles while attempting to toss bean bags at a target, lab partners change their outlook on the world around them, producing amusing results....
California Education Partners

Animals of Rhomaar

For Students 7th Standards
Investigate the growth rates of alien animals. Pupils study fictional animals from another planet to determine how much they grow per year. The investigators plot the growth of their animals over a period of time and then compare them to...
Lesson Plan

Persuasive Communication (Grades 9–12)

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Before your students reached your morning class to learn about persuasive writing, they probably saw dozens of examples of persuasive communication in the form of advertisements. A short, introductory activity inspires class members to...
Lesson Plan
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Red States/Blue States: Mapping the Presidential Election

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Young historians investigate how voting patterns have changed by comparing the outcome of the 1960 election to the outcome of the recent election. A creative final assessment has participants making a news show wherein they provide...
Giraffe Heroes Project

It’s Up to Us

For Teachers 6th - 12th
The Giraffe Heroes Program is designed for teens willing to stick their necks out to make a difference, and to create community service projects that tackle real world problems. The resource guides teens to choose an issue, design a...