Lesson Plan
Curated OER

From the Mouths of Space Scientists: An Introduction to Space and Weather

For Teachers 4th - 8th
After researching the Greenland Space Science Symposium, curious thinkers create a PowerPoint or video presentation. They use the information they gathered to construct their presentation.
Lesson Plan

Earth, Earth’s Moon, Mars Balloons

For Teachers K - 8th Standards
Very specific diameters are given for blowing up three different balloons to represent, in scale, the moon, Earth, and Mars. In groups of three, amateur astronomers explore scale measurements and distance in space.
Lesson Plan

Lost City Chemistry Detectives

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
In 1977, scientists discovered hot springs in the middle of deep, cold ocean waters near the Galapagos Islands. Scholars research the chemical reactions that explain what scientists found at the Lost City. A discussion connects many...
American Museum of Natural History

Beyond Planet Earth

For Students 6th - 12th
Scholars take a journey through space with 16 eye-catching images. Along the way, learners read captions starting with the moon, then move onto asteroids, Mars, and Jupiter.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Target Earth

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Space scientists use water displacement to determine the mass of a cubic centimeter mini meteorite, and then use it as a small-scale representative of an asteroid. They figure out the orbital velocity of an asteroid. Then they use a...
Curated OER

Bill Nye Video: Earth's Seasons

For Students 4th - 8th
In this earth's seasons worksheet, students answer fill in the blank questions after seeing Bill Nye's video. Topics include the rotation of the earth around the sun, the tilt of the earth, the time zones and sunlight.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Earth, The Universe, And Culture

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students examine how science is interpreted based on social environments. They watch and discuss a video, identify scientists and locate their countries of origin on a map, explore various websites, and complete a handout.
Lesson Plan
Berkshire Museum

Meet a Naturalist: Researching, Writing, Interviewing

For Teachers 2nd - 5th Standards
Young scholars reach out into the community and learn about different environmental science careers in this inquiry-based instructional activity. Beginning with a short research assignment, children gain background knowledge about...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Earth Science: The Structure of the Earth

For Teachers 5th - 7th
Students identify and complete activities about the structure of the Earth. In this Earth structure lesson, students view a Powerpoint about the Earth's layers and complete a diagram. students compare temperatures in the Earth's layers...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Earth, the Universe, and Culture

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Students explore different scientists throughout history.  In this scientists and culture lesson students research using the Internet and complete a handout. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 6th - 12th
Students study the earth in relation to the solar system.  In this planetary lesson students complete several investigations into the measurement of the earth and its magnetic field.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Fossil Fuels (Part III), The Geology of Coal

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Do not overlook this set of lessons just because your school does not have a data analysis system. There is plenty of material here to administer a complete mini unit on the formation, distribution, and properties of coal. Since it...
Lesson Plan

Climate Change as a Scientific Theory

For Teachers 8th - 12th Standards
Get your class thinking about climate change as a scientific theory. Guided by a handout, emerging earth scientists read articles and take notes about glaciers and sea ice. To conclude, they write an evaluation of the evidence for...
Unit Plan
Curated OER

The Sun: Earth's Friend and Foe

For Teachers 5th
Students study the structure and features of the sun. In this earth science lesson, students explain how the sun's energy drive the processes on Earth. They perform temperature conversions using appropriate equations.
Curated OER

Influential Scientists Vocabulary Multiple Choice Worksheet

For Students 4th - 6th
In this science vocabulary worksheet, learners read the names of science professionals. From three choices, students choose the correct definition for each word.
Lesson Plan
S2tem Centers SC


For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Winter, spring, summer, and fall—take the learning of the seasons beyond the elementary level to the middle school classroom. Curious learners begin by watching videos about the seasons and the rotation of planet Earth. Then, they...

Wooly Magma

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Model the earth's core with a neat activity that uses science as an inquiry and step-by-step procedures. The activity acquires a lot of assistance from the teacher or volunteer helpers. 
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

History of the Universe

For Students 3rd - 5th
Your pupils may believe that you and their parents are the oldest things in the universe, but surprise! There are elements of the universe that are even older. Elementary scientists create a class timeline to demonstrate the expansive...
Curated OER

Season Worksheet #5

For Students 6th - 9th
Sunrise, sunset, swiftly fly the years! Your earth scientists can also fly through a year of daylight data. They analyze a graph and then answer five multiple choice questions about the rising and setting of the sun, the total number of...
Lesson Plan
Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi

Plate Tectonics

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Young scholars observe a presentation on plate tectonics, layers of the earth, and plate boundaries. They then use the Internet to research major plates and label them on a world map.
It's About Time

The History and Scale of the Solar System

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Take scientists beyond our earthly reach and into the solar system. Pupils create a model of the solar system and discuss strengths and weaknesses of their model. They calculate distances in light years, discuss the nebular theory, and...
Curated OER

Oceanography Worksheet #1

For Students 6th - 9th
If you are teaching physical oceanography to middle school earth scientists, here is a terrific multiple choice worksheet. Learners look at a diagram of a landscape created by glacial sediment deposition and the resulting ocean floor....
It's About Time

Effects of Plate Tectonics

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Explore our world from within as you lead young scientists on a thrilling adventure. Pupils examine the location of plate boundaries to determine earthquake and volcano distribution around the globe and explore the cause of hot spots in...
Lesson Plan

Science Lesson Plan: Our Solar System: I Wonder?

For Teachers 2nd - 4th
Ever wonder why Pluto isn't considered a planet? Or how large the Earth is compared to the other inner planets? Explore the universe with a series of projects that simulate different aspects of our solar system. The activities require...

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