CK-12 Foundation

Modeling: Mathematical, Physical and Conceptual

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Scientific models help explain ideas and concepts to non-experts. The online activity covers conceptual, mathematical, and physical models. Through four multiple-choice questions and three discussion questions, scholars gain a deeper...
Lesson Plan
Agriculture in the Classroom

Making Half MyPlate Fruits and Vegetables

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Establish healthy eating habits with a lesson plan focused around MyPlate's food recommendations and the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. Through class discussion and worksheet completion, scholars discuss the best choices of...
Unit Plan
McGraw Hill

Study Guide for Tuck Everlasting

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt is a classic novel that readers have enjoyed for years. Resources within the study guide such as discussion and guided reading questions, extension activities, and graphic organizers aid comprehension...
University of North Carolina


For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Challenging pupils' perspectives by having them walk in the shoes of the reader. An informative resource discusses how to identify an audience and anticipate their needs before writing an upcoming argumentative essay. 
Lesson Plan
University of Pennsylvania

Using Political Postcards to Teach a Revolution of Political Thought

For Teachers 8th - 12th Standards
Discuss how political postcards affected everyday people's thoughts and beliefs. Pupils continue a unit on the Dreyfus Affair as they engage in class discussion, watch a video, view a PowerPoint presentation, and fill out worksheets to...
Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

Editorials: The Guiding Voice of Authority?

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
How much can opinion influence a news story? A standalone resource discusses the importance of John Brown's Raid through the lens of journalism. Learners analyze two different texts, one from the perspective of the North and the other of...
Biology Junction

Seeds and Fruits: Types and Dispersal

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Did you know that some seeds rely on elephant dung for dispersal? Pupils use class discussion and direct instruction based around a presentation to learn about seed types and dispersal methods. Slides vary from presenting content to...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Following the Trail of Evidence

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
One important skill in analyzing scientific evidence is identifying facts versus opinions. Scholars identify pieces of evidence from the film The Day the Mesozoic Died and then discuss this evidence in small groups at the end of each act...
Lesson Plan
Stanford University

Declaration of Independence

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Scholars work in pairs to decide whether leaders wrote the Declaration of Independence for the rich and powerful or for every man. To draw their conclusion, pairs read excerpts from two historians and complete a graphic organizer citing...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 2, Lesson 2

For Teachers 10th Standards
What is the best way to determine the theme of a text? Pupils analyze how central ideas emerge in Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth. They work in small groups and engage in a whole-class discussion to discuss the play's plot. Finally,...

Primary Source Set: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
What did Jo write her stories with? How did the March sisters dress? A primary source set designed for Louisa May Alcott's Little Women prompts learners to look over images of household items and clothes from the 1860s before engaging in...
Lesson Plan1:30

Who Are Latinos?

For Teachers 4th - 12th
What does it mean to be Latino? With an eye-opening lesson plan, pupils discover what it means to be Latino in the United States. They participate in classroom discussions, use graphic organizers, and watch a short video to help them...
Lesson Plan

Reading about Freaky Frogs: “The Amazon Horned Frog"

For Teachers 3rd Standards
The Amazon Horned Frog is the focus of a activity designed to encourage readers to ask and answer questions. A frog-themed poem opens the door to a whole-group discussion. Following a read-aloud of an informational text, a three-page...
Lesson Plan

Analyzing Text Structure & Summarizing Text: “Equal Rights for Women” by Shirley Chisholm

For Teachers 8th Standards
Let me check my schedule! Scholars set up discussion appointments with five classmates to discuss Shirley Chisholm's speech "Equal Rights for Women." Readers then use their Note Catcher guides to analyze the text of the speech more...
CK-12 Foundation

Prices Involving Discounts: Save Money with Coupons!

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Nine questions make up an interactive that challenges scholars to identify new prices after discounts. Question types include fill in the blank and multiple choice. A fully-functional tool assists participants in solving word problems....
Lesson Plan

Analyzing Poems from Inside Out and Back Again to Develop Criteria for an Effective Poem

For Teachers 8th Standards
Scholars analyze a model poem to help guide their poetry writing. They use Think-Pair-Share to discuss word choice and meaning in "Papaya Tree" and "Wet and Crying." To finish, they use their discussions to collect evidence on what makes...
Lesson Plan
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media

Fred Seibel, the Times-Dispatch, and Massive Resistance

For Teachers 4th Standards
A lesson challenges scholars to analyze editorial cartoons created by Fred Seibel, illustrator for the Times-Dispatch, during the Massive Resistance. A class discussion looking at today's editorial pages and Jim Crow Laws leads the way...
CK-12 Foundation

Mental Math to Divide by Whole Number Powers of Ten: Mental Math to Divide Decimal Powers of Ten

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Boost mental-math skills with an interactive that focuses on dividing whole numbers by powers of 10. Mathematicians solve five fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions with help from a moveable decimal point in four example...
CK-12 Foundation

Problem Solving Plan, Estimation with Decimals: Shopping

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Mathematicians go on a virtual shopping trip in an interactive designed to boost the concept of estimation. Scholars read and answer five questions—multiple-choice, true or false, and a discussion—with help from a drag-and-drop shopping...
Unit Plan
Polk Bros Foundation

Chicago: Choices and Changes

For Teachers 2nd - 4th
Chicago, a city that is ever changing. A thought-provoking lesson, geared toward third-grade social studies, explains how the city of Chicago has changed over time. It discusses important leaders to the founding of the city, like Daniel...
Lesson Plan

Analyzing a Thematic Concept: The Invisibility of Captives during WWII (Pages 182-188)

For Teachers 8th Standards
Readers complete a word web-based on the word dignity. They use their Understanding Invisibility note catcher to discuss how dignity relates to the theme of invisibility. After group discussion comparing invisibility and loss of dignity,...
Lesson Plan
National Woman's History Museum

Tea with Penelope: A 2-Point Perspective of the Edenton Tea Party

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
A brief introduction to Penelope Barker sets the stage for a discussion about political cartoons and the persuasive technique used to create them. A graphic organizer aids scholars in the analysis of a piece of work using a 2-point...
Lesson Plan

Determining Central Ideas: The 14th Amendment

For Teachers 8th Standards
What is the central idea of the Fourteenth Amendment? Scholars attempt to answer the question as they read and discuss the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees all citizens equal protection of the...
Lesson Plan

Informational Essay Planning: Studying the Essay Prompt and Gathering Evidence

For Teachers 8th Standards
Using a Gathering Evidence note-catcher, readers record evidence in A Mighty Long Way and Little Rock Girl 1957. They then use the evidence to analyze and discuss different mediums with their peers. Lastly, they look at a writing prompt...

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