Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Drawing Portraits Using a Grid

For Teachers 5th - 8th
A well-developed art lesson is always great to have around. This lesson on portrait drawing includes a full procedure, modifications, background information on artist Chuck Close, recommended websites, and a few thoughts from the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

ISTEP + Grade 6 Item Sampler

For Teachers 5th - 6th
In this cross-curricular sampler of worksheets, students determine the meaning of specialized vocabulary and to understand the precise meaning of grade-level-appropriate words, describe and connect the essential ideas, arguments, and...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Clarifying Values

For Teachers 6th - 8th
The fourth instructional activity in the Confidence Building module asks participants to think about what they value and how these values influence their decisions. Class members engage in activities that help them identify what they...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Establishing What's Important

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Being true to oneself can be difficult when faced with pressure from others. For this lesson, participants first list what they value and then role-play a series of scenarios that test these values. To conclude, individuals list three...
Lesson Plan
Nebraska Department of Education

This I Believe

For Teachers 8th
As part of a Career Develop unit, eighth-graders reflect on their beliefs and values and consider how these beliefs might affect their relationships with friends and with colleagues when they join the workforce.
Lesson Plan
Nebraska Department of Education

How Do You Define “Friend?”

For Teachers 9th
Shared values are often the keystone in friendships. Class pairs use their "Values" handout from a previous lesson and interview one another to identify values they share and don't share. Then, consider how their differences contribute...
Lesson Plan
Nebraska Department of Education

The Five Things

For Teachers 9th
 High school freshmen consider how their resources and values can support them in their future goals by answering questions such as; What do you value? What do you enjoy doing? What do you do well? Of what accomplishments are you...
Lesson Plan
Orange County Department of Education

My Character Odyssey

For Teachers 9th
Young scholars explore and analyze how the trials of life can develop one's character and values of respect, responsibility and compassion. Then, while reading and evaluating The Odyssey, they reflect on their own hero journey and write...
Lesson Plan
Nebraska Department of Education

You're Fired!

For Teachers 10th
Is willing to learn. Follows directions. Takes the initiative. The big idea in this career development lesson plan is that the work habits that make one successful in school are the same as those required to succeed in a career. Class...
CK-12 Foundation

Values Written as Powers: Binary Numbers 1 to 8

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
A six-question interactive tasks scholars with adding binary numbers one through eight. A tool acts as a visual aid to showcase the patterns made when working with base—2, digits zero and one. Question types include fill in the blank,...
Lesson Plan

Well-Known Tale: The Pied Piper of Hamelin

For Students 4th - 6th Standards
"The Pied Piper of Hamelin" is the focus of a lesson designed to shed light on the importance of keeping promises. As a class, scholars take part in a discussion on the topic of honesty and consequences. Independent readers then take to...
Lesson Plan

Lesson 2: Values and Barriers

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Scholars investigate and discuss the importance of values and how they can be used to break barriers. Small groups work collaboratively to examine the text and draw inferences to answer questions. A writing assignment challenges pupils...
CCSS Math Activities

Smarter Balanced Sample Items: 8th Grade Math – Target A

For Teachers 8th Standards
Take an irrational approach to numbers with a Smarter Balanced assessment that covers the introduction of irrational numbers. The nine items cover identifying irrational numbers, approximating them with rational numbers, and converting...
Lesson Plan
Spreading Gratitude Rocks

Values Survey

For Students 7th - 12th
What are the most important values a person possesses? Teens and parents take a collaborative survey and discuss what values are important to them. They return the signed form to the teacher to confirm they completed the activity. 
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

How to Succeed in Life

For Teachers 8th Standards
Is it possible that six simple traits lead to a happy, successful life? Part four of a six-part series of college and career readiness lessons examines the effects of character in determining success. Working groups discuss...
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

Who Am I?

For Teachers 5th Standards
Get in touch with your sense of self! The fifth and final lesson in a series of college and career lessons for fifth graders reinforces the relationship between interests and career choices. Pupils play a scenario-driven game, then dig...
Unit Plan

Multicultural Youth Leadership

For Teachers 8th - 12th Standards
Teens of the world, unite! Take your class or club on a multicultural journey through the relationship between cultural values and teen leadership skills. Groups work together to learn about one another's cultures while examining the...
Lesson Plan
Biz Kids

Understanding Business Ethics

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
After screening an episode by BizKids, scholars show what they know about business vocabulary, then take part in grand conversations about role models and ethical dilemmas.
Lesson Plan
Social Media Toolbox

Social Media Usage

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Is there a difference in the way organizations present news via social media and in print? The third in a series of 16 lessons from The Social Media Toolbox explores news outlets and their delivery methods. Groups follow a story for a...
Lesson Plan
Social Media Toolbox

Ethical Decision Making

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
When faced with a dilemma, how do journalists decide how much news to use? Social media scholars explore the philosophies of ethical resolution in the first of a 16-part Social Media Toolbox series. Partnered pupils use a Potter Box to...
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

What Matters to Me?

For Teachers 10th Standards
Whether you're a self-starting entrepreneur or a cubicle commando, finding a career that suits your personality is a must! The second lesson in a series of five career and college lesson plans focuses on work ethic and values. Learners...
Leadership Challenge

Inspire Students Today to Make a Difference in the Future

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Your search for a year's worth of leadership lessons is over! A lesson in a character education series provides a full two semesters of inspiring leadership activities. The resource includes individual and group challenges to ensure a...
Leadership Challenge

Serving the Stakeholders' Interests

For Teachers 7th - 12th
When school and community leaders are at odds, what's a young person to do? Grouped pupils examine the details of a difficult situation during the 10th in a series of 12 leadership activities. Presented with a decline in community...
Leadership Challenge

Mark Your Calendar

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Do your actions reflect your values? Scholars examine their day-to-day activities versus their passions during the eighth installment in a series of 12 character-building lessons. After defining their values, participants create...