Instructional Video

Development of Atomic Theory: An Introduction

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The atom has come a long, long way! From its early days as a ball of goo that exhibited the same properties as the whole it was part of, to the tiny sphere we know today, atomic theory has truly evolved. Explore these changes with an interesting video that is part of the JFR Science playlist. The narrator discusses the first atomic theory, proposed by Democritus, then pushes forward in time to present-day ideas.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Assign the video as a self-guided tour through the history of chemistry
  • Have pupils create a timeline of events from the resource
Classroom Considerations
  • Lead a brief review of the parts of an atom before viewing
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Illustrates how atomic theory evolved as more experiments revealed new information
  • Atomic models are animated to allow viewers to better understand how they functioned
  • None
Common Core