Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Did your students forget to bring their protractors to class again? Using this resourceful copy of four identical protractors, you can easily make a class set or let your students take them home.
Study Jams! Circle Graph
Over a pizza dinner, RJ and Mia discuss how to use a circle or pie graph to represent data. After viewing, data analysts can use a Test Yourself feature to assess their own understanding. This is ideal for use in a flipped classroom lesson.
Practice: Measuring Angles and Using a Protractor and More!
Four fabulous worksheets are included in this resource, all having to do with the measurement of angles. On the first, anglers will use a protractor to determine the degrees of 10 different angles. An arc is drawn on each. On the second,...
Curated OER
Fourth and fifth graders investigate angles and name them according to the criteria for obtuse, acute, and right angles. They examine a human-made yarn pattern on the floor of their classroom and identify angles, vertices, and types of...
Mathed Up!
Keep the math straight and true. Using information learned about angle relationships, pupils determine drawn bearings, or draw a line with a given bearing. The accompanying video provides the definition of a bearing and its three...
Corbett Maths
Constructing SAS Triangles
Two sides and an angle ... a triangle it makes. Given the measure to two sides and the angle between them, the narrator of a short video shows how to draw a triangle with a ruler and protractor. Pupils use handouts to practice the newly...
Corbett Maths
Constructing ASA Triangles
The narrator of a short video explains the steps in constructing a triangle given the measure of two angles and the length of the side between the angles. The resource provides opportunities for pupils to practice the skill with two...
Physics Classroom
Vector Direction
Scholars practice vector direction notation in multiple formats. After mastering each individually, they work to convert from one to another as one part in a series of lessons on vectors and projectiles.
101 Questions
Pool Bounce
Use geometry to improve your pool game! Learners analyze the front half of a pool shot to determine its resulting path. By measuring the angle of incidence, they are able to predict the path of the ball.
Mathed Up!
Pie Charts
Representing data is as easy as pie. Class members construct pie charts given a frequency table. Individuals then determine the size of the angles needed for each sector and interpret the size of sectors within the context of frequency....
Study Jams! Measure Angles
Get a quick review on measuring angles with this step-by-step guide using a protractor. Watch the correct way to measure angles and finish with an assessment on correct techniques to measure special angles.
Study Jams! Construct Angles
Practice those protracting skills while watching the step-by-step guide on the correct way to use this angle measuring tool. The resource follows with assessment questions testing their ability to understand and use the protractor...
Mathed Up!
What does a geometric farmer drive? A protractor, of course! A set of assessment worksheets prompts learners to use a protractor as they measure angles, name angles, and identify lines. Use the video as a way to...
McGraw Hill
Lines and Angles
Why was the obtuse angle upset? Because it was never right! A valuable resource is loaded with background information on types of angles and lines. Learners review the characteristics of parallel, perpendicular, and...
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Assessment for the California Mathematics Standards Grade 5
Test young mathematicians' knowledge with an assessment aligned to California's fifth grade state standards. The exam covers a multitude of concepts including fractions and decimals, positive and negative numbers, measurement; and...
CPO Science
Science Worksheets
If you need an array of worksheets to augment your science lessons, peruse a collection of assignments that is sure to fit your needs. With topics such as metric conversion, the scientific method, textbook features, research skills,...
Kuta Software
Polygons and Angles
Get out those protractors! Geometers measure interior and exterior angles of 10 polygons, including a 24-gon. They also calculate the interior angle sum of the polygons.
Kuta Software
Angles and Their Measures
Get out those protractors! From any angle, this worksheet will give your mathematicians some good practice. First, they find the measurement of eight angles. Next, they draw eight angles given the measurement.
DK Publishing
Using a Protractor
Learn how to measure acute, right, and obtuse angles with a protractor. After reviewing the way the protractor works, fourth graders measure nine angles on their own. For extra practice, have them measure different angles in their...
Curated OER
Drawing Angles
Get out those protractors! Once geometers can identify obtuse, acute, right, and straight angles, get them to measure and draw their own. There are six boxes here, each with an angle measurement. Learners use a protractor to draw the...
Math Mammoth
Measuring Angles
The first of two pages displays various angles as the measure of degrees of a circular arc. An explanation is written, and learners are asked to model each by holding up two pencils as the rays. The second page provides instruction on...
AJ Reynolds
Unit 5 Section 2: Measuring Angles
An interactive assignment displays two example angles to teach how to measure them. When you click on the angles, a protractor appears! As practice, learners view a set of angles, estimate the size of each, and then enter the degrees in...
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Angles, Degrees, Protractors . . . Oh My!
Fourth and fifth graders make a protractor and identify various angle types. In this protractor and angle lesson, learners make their own protractor and use it to measure a variety of angles. They complete worksheets while identifying...
Curated OER
TAKS Math Quiz - Angle Measurement
In this TAKS online math quiz worksheet, students take an online quiz focused angle measurement with a protractor. Quiz can be graded online by clicking a link.