Instructional Video4:08
Bill of Rights Institute

Brown vs. Board of Education

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
How did education play into the civil rights movement? The second lesson of a 10-part series explains the Brown vs. Board of Education court case. It helps viewers examine and analyze, via rationale from the video clip, how segregation...
Instructional Video3:08

On This Day: The Establishment of the Department of Education

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
When looking at educational policy, many politicians forget to consult experts—scholars! Video clips demonstrate the debate over educational policy. After watching the views of education secretaries and politicians, pupils decide how to...
Instructional Video1:09
Curated Video

EdTech Tuesdays: Be a Connected Educator with Billy Krakower

For Teachers Pre-K - Higher Ed Standards
"Best advice would be, 'Get on Twitter!'" Consider the input of technology instructor Billy Krakower in an interview from the 2014 ISTE conference, who discusses the importance of brainstorming ideas with teachers around the world and...
Instructional Video11:52
Crash Course

Educational Technology: Crash Course Computer Science #39

For Students 9th - Higher Ed
Every minute, users upload 400 hours of video to YouTube, which is how the resource became available. From MOOCs to AI driven intelligent tutoring systems, an engaging video explains how technology has changed the world of education. It...
Instructional Video15:30
Transforming Education

SEL for Educators: Mini Module #1

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
Become a champion of social-emotional development with an informative series created for educators. In this first video, the host details the what, why, and how of social-emotional learning. In just over 15 minutes, viewers discover...
Instructional Video11:08
Transforming Education

SEL for Educators: Mini Module #4

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
In this social-emotional learning journey, educators watch an 11-minute video that examines how to cultivate compassionate curiosity. Mini Module #4 details how to use an asset-based lens, listen empathetically, and look at behavior as a...
Instructional Video13:43
Transforming Education

SEL for Educators: Mini Module #6

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
Keep stress low by establishing balance and boundaries with Mini Module #5. In this social-emotional learning video, educators discover the ins and outs of final high-leverage practices—understanding the "cost of caring," forming healthy...
Instructional Video7:58

Real-Life Math | Health Educator

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Get healthy using math (although exercise helps, too!). Future consumers analyze a set of nutritional labels to compare caloric and nutrition information for two cereal brands. After watching a video of a health educator explaining how...
Instructional Video12:24
Transforming Education

SEL for Educators: Mini Module #2

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
A 12-minute video details the first social and emotional learning practice—examine identity; how do educators work on their social and emotional wellbeing. One of five high-leverage practices looks closely at values and purpose,...
Instructional Video10:28
Transforming Education

SEL for Educators: Mini Module #3

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
Mini module #3 focuses on exploring emotions—one of the five high-leverage practices in an educator's social and emotional development. Viewers take in a 10-minute video that looks at how to label emotions, recognize physical reactions,...
Instructional Video11:15
Transforming Education

SEL for Educators: Mini Module #5

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
Mini Module #5 examines the high-leverage practice of orienting towards optimism. In this 11-minute video, educators take in the importance of optimism as they progress through their social and emotional learning journey, paying special...
Instructional Video10:26
Crash Course

Economics of Education

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Is going to college worth it? Address the question that nearly all high schoolers ask themselves with a helpful economics video. It discusses the economic and societal benefits of graduating from college, the reasons for increased...
Instructional Video3:49

Open Letter to the President: Physics Education

For Students 9th - 12th
Does something seem missing from your Physics class? Is it ... excitement? Current physics topics? The latest discoveries? The video explains some of the "gaps" in most physics curricula throughout the United States. Scholars learn to go...
Instructional Video3:46

How Playing Sports Benefits Your Body ... and Your Brain

For Students 7th - 12th Standards
Exercising is undeniably beneficial for our brains and bodies. But how do these benefits compare to the participation and joining of a sports team? Watch an educational video to discover the psychological and health benefits of joining a...
Instructional Video11:32

How State Budgets are Breaking US Schools

For Students 11th - Higher Ed Standards
Bill Gates delves into the big money world of state budgets in the United States, emphasizing the need for greater scrutiny and developing a deeper understanding of the implications of worsening deficits. Gates incorporates a variety of...
Instructional Video4:22

Pruney Fingers: A Gripping Story

For Students 6th - 12th
If you can't put your finger on it, you can at least learn from this video about the channels that form our our water-soaked fingertips. What is their purpose? This little clip is an amusing and educational addition to a lesson on...
Instructional Video5:06

The Fundamentals of Space-Time: Part 1

For Students 9th - 12th
A smart series of videos attempts to describe the relationship between space and time. In this first episode, two educators hold a discussion using slides and a flip-book approach to put the two things together. Make sure to follow this...
Instructional Video3:31
Lesson Planet

EdTech Tuesdays: Classroom Video Games with Mat Frenz

For Teachers Pre-K - Higher Ed
Curious about ways to use students' interest in video games to enhance their learning? Listen as Mat Frenz from GlassLab Games discusses the similarities between video game design and lesson design, and how educators and developers are...
Instructional Video4:33
Curated Video

EdTech Tuesdays: Teaching Today with Ann McMullan

For Teachers Pre-K - Higher Ed
Exactly how important is the use of technology in the modern classroom? According to Ann McMullan, an educational technology consultant in Los Angeles, it's indispensable. Follow along as she describes her experiences with helping...
Instructional Video1:33
Lesson Planet

EdTech Tuesdays: Creating a Google Apps Classroom with Kyle Brumbaugh

For Teachers Pre-K - Higher Ed
Have you heard about Google apps, but are uncertain about their effectiveness in the classroom? Kyle Brumbaugh, co-author of the book Creating a Google Apps Classroom: The Educator's Cookbook, discusses how these free resources can...
Instructional Video5:38
Learning Games Lab

Understanding the Major

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
The purpose of university courses is not always clear. A comprehensive video presentation explains the importance of a well-rounded education and a complete college experience. Professionals discuss how their post-secondary educations...
Instructional Video1:09
Curated OER

How to Shoot a Basketball

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Is it time to start your basketball unit in your physical education class? Introduce it with this video on how to shoot a basketball. Photos of NBA players and step-by-step instructions are provided.
Instructional Video1:18
Curated OER

How to Set a Volleyball

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Use this video to introduce your physical education students to the basics of volleyball. The student athletes in this video show viewers step-by-step instructions on how to set a volleyball.
Instructional Video2:55
Curated OER

Newark Optometrist

For Teachers 6th - 12th
When you need to go to an optometrist, you may see Karin Rardin. She explains different aspects of her job as an optometrist, the required education and experience, as well as what she likes most about her job. Tip: Show this with other...

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