Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Hey Teachers! Get to Know Me!

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Foster community in your classroom and encourage learners to get up and get to know each other. Individuals each receive the classmate inventory handout included and use it to fill in information about their fellow scholars. Once they...
Lesson Plan
Project Maths

Introduction to Trigonometry

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The topic of trigonometric ratios is often covered with loads of rote memorization baked into the activity. This activity set, however, leans more on using similar triangles and discovery learning to help young geometers develop a deeper...
Buck Institute for Education

Project Template for Letter to Parents

For Teachers 6th - 12th
What better way to elicit the support of parents and guardians in project-based learning than with a letter directed to them that details the project, the activities involved, and suggestions for how they can support their learner. The...
Curated OER

Following Instructions

For Students 8th - 10th
Designed to assess your class's ability to follow directions, this reading activity has learners split into groups, read a series of instructions, read a passage, and answer two lists of questions. Can they remember to raise their hand...

How to Write an Apology Poem

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Put a silly spin on making amends with an apology poem. Budding poets think of a time they were made to apologize although they didn't mean it. They then turn their experience into a poem that offers details and ends with an explanation...
Curriculum Corner

All about Me T-Shirt

For Students K - 6th
Encourage learners to wear their interests on their sleeves, literally. Class members decorate a blank t-shirt with personal information, including their hobbies, favorite part of school, and details about their family and self. 
Lesson Plan
US Institute of Peace

Responding to Conflict: Mediation

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
What happens when two parties can't come to agreement? Scholars explore the role of a mediator through part 10 of a 15-part series of peacebuilding lessons. Through individual work and role play, pupils brainstorm solutions until they...
Curated OER

Direct Object Pronouns

For Teachers 9th - 11th
What is a direct object pronoun and how do you use one? After looking at several examples, give your Spanish speakers an opportunity to practice. Can they place the direct object pronoun correctly in the sentence provided? Two separate...
Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities

The New Order for "Greater East Asia"

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Sometimes the New Order becomes synonymous with its implications for European countries, but what about its consequences for East Asia? The final instructional activity in a four-part series teaches scholars about World War II. High...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Call to Arms: A Service Project

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Sick of selling candy and washing cars? How about hosting a Digital Day or a Learning Lunch? The suggestions here make fund raising fun and rewarding. Raise money to preserve important maps and other primary source documents.
Thoughtful Learning

Using 5-5-5 Breathing to Calm Down

For Students K - 12th
Scholars calm their minds and bodies with a 5-5-5 breathing exercise. Learners breathe in for five seconds, out for five seconds, then wait five seconds to start again. The exercise takes one minute to complete. 
CK-12 Foundation

Estimation to Check Decimal Multiplication: Watering a Garden

For Students 6th Standards
Mathematicians solve six multiple-choice and true or false questions using their knowledge of estimation and multiplying decimals. The interactive provides a garden-themed tool that creates a visual aid of three watering cans to assist...
The Alamo

A Teacher’s Guide to Antonio LóPez De Santa Anna

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Who was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, and how did he relate to the Texas Revolution? Use an informative resource to find out! By reading primary sources, viewing maps and graphs, and answering short-answer written prompts in handouts,...
Curated OER

To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide

For Students 8th - 9th
Provided here are dozens of questions to guide readers through reading all 31 chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird. Suggested answers are included. Most of the questions focus on plot recall, although some do require deeper-level thinking. 
Lesson Plan
National WWII Museum

Dr. Seuss and WWII

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
What famous children's author and illustrator created World War II political cartoons featuring such subjects as fascism, the war effort, discrimination, and the dangers of isolationism? The who in this story is Dr. Seuss, and what...

How to Recite a Poem like an Expert

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Don't just read a poem, recite a poem! Add speaking skills to a poetry unit with an activity that promotes successful poem recitation. Scholars choose a poem then recite it with the help of several tips and videos. 
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Can You Erase the Damage?

For Teachers 3rd Standards
A pencil and an eraser bring forth the message that negative comments never truly disappear. On a large piece of paper, scholars list negative comments then attempt to replace them with kind ones. Pupils discuss the impact of negative...
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies

Activities to Support Teaching the Alphabet

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Whether or not your class includes kids with significant disabilities, teaching the alphabet to emergent readers and writers can be a challenge. Here's an activity packet designed for all learners.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Teaching Students To Follow Directions

For Teachers Pre-K - K
Students practice following directions. In this listening activity, students play a game of "Follow the Leader" while coloring in an activity page. They must color their page according to the directions given by the teacher or leader.
Reach Out!

How to Set a Goal

For Students 7th - 12th
Inspire scholars to reach for the stars with a handy two-page document that details why setting goals is important, how to begin the process, and three steps to set and meet goals. 
Lesson Plan
The New York Times

Writing to Explain: Creating How-To Scripts and Demonstrations

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Excuse me, can you give me directions? Scholars examine and practice technical writing to increase their ability to write directions. They participate in discussion, watch videos, and complete an assignment to create their own directions.
CK-12 Foundation

Solving Equations Using the Pythagorean Theorem: Cryptography

For Students 8th - 10th Standards
Don't keep this resource a secret. Individuals learn to use the Pythagorean Theorem to find Pythagorean triples. They also see how Pythagorean triples can be useful in the field of cryptography to encrypt secret messages.
Lesson Plan
Healthy Native Youth

Chapter 4: Learning About Disease

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Communicable diseases are the focus of a instructional activity that primarily uses discussion, a hands-on activity, and a worksheet to drive their point home. Lotion and glitter create a strong visual for communicable diseases. A...
Lesson Plan

Making a Difference in the Midst of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
What can individuals do to give peace a chance in the Middle East? Through a series of activities including viewing segments from a PBS video, class members learn about the complex history of the conflict and about efforts to promote...