Lesson Plan
Montana State University

Ice in Action

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Make your own bite-size glacier! A resource teaches about the formation and melting of ice. Activities include videos, a hands-on activity where your pupils build glaciers, and a photographic analysis to teach individuals the chilling...
Lesson Plan
Montana State University

Sea Floor to Summit

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Who knew that mountain formation could be so entertaining? Leanr how mountains form with a resource on Mount Everest. Activities to guide learning include a simulation, project, videos, coloring activities, and worksheets.
Lesson Plan
Montana State University

What's the Weather?

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
How many jackets do you need to stay warm and climb Mount Everest? An informatie resource covers the topic of Mount Everest, the resource helps young scientists discover the difference between climate and weather. Activities include...
Lesson Plan

Women's History: Parading Through History

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Want to teach your pupils about debate, effective speech techniques, propaganda, and the women's movement? The first in a sequential series of three, scholars analyze real propaganda images from the the historic women's movement, view a...
Lesson Plan
National History Day

More Than Mud and Cooties: The Poetry of World War I Soldiers

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Poetry is not just for romance. Teach middle schoolers about soldiers' experiences during World War I with poetry written by the soldiers themselves. The lesson includes a simulation activity, a graphic organizer activity, and a...
Lesson Plan
National History Day

“The Art of War”: Trench Art of World War I

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Teach pupils how veterans used art to deal with PTSD and shell-shock from trench warfare during World War I. Scholars use graphic organizers, a cartoon analysis sheet, and their own inferences to analyze primary source art work by veterans.
Lesson Plan

NOVA Sun Lab Lesson Plan

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Looking for a sun-sational multi-lesson plan full of videos, simulations, and discussion? Introduce your young scientists to all things solar with a four-part hands-on adventure. Pupils learn the basics of solar anatomy, space weather,...
Lesson Plan

NOVA Evolution Lab Lesson Plan

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
It doesn't matter if you look on land, in the air, underground, or in water—evolution is everywhere. Scholars complete worksheets with multiple question types as they progress through six online missions creating phylogenic trees. 

NOVA Evolution Lab Game

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Many scholars study phylogenetic trees without understanding how they are made. Through an online game, young scientists use the given data to create phylogenetic trees of increasing complexity. They rely on the trees they create to...
US Institute of Peace

Simulation on The Cambodia Peace Settlement

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Can there be peace in Cambodia? Immerse your class in a realistic negotiation setting during a riveting simulation. Learners assume the roles of key players in a group sparring with an opposing group to try to achieve peace in the midst...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Plant Structures Lab Stations

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
In China, hibiscus is known as the shoe flower because it is used to polish shoes, while in Hawaii, it is honored as the state flower. Young scientists learn about the structure and function of flowers. They dissect hibiscus flowers,...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Investigating How Heat Flows

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
It is impossible to cool down a glass of water by adding ice. Young scientists explore heat transfer through videos, experiments, and interactive games. They quickly catch on that the water melts the ice and things aren't always as they...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

The Monster Mash

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Young scientists create monsters by applying their knowledge of transcription and translation. They randomly find the DNA, assign it a codon, and build monsters piece by piece. 
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Rocks Makin' Rocks: Rock Cycle Simulation

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Scholars review prior knowledge before completing a hands-on simulation of the rock cycle. They write stories or songs summarizing their simulations to demonstrate mastery.
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Phases of the Moon

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
The moon takes just over 27 days to orbit around Earth. Young scientists position themselves as the earth as they rotate around the sun and hold the moon. This allows them to observe the patterns and phases of the moon.
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Let's Get Moving

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Rivers top the list of causes of erosion over time. Scholars experiment with wind, water, and ice reshaping sand. They connect the simulations facts about erosion and deposition to understand unique landforms such as the Grand Canyon and...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Layers of the Earth

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
We can't dig a hole through the Earth, so how do we know about the layers beneath our feet? Scholars learn about layering through hands-on exploration of common materials. They study the characteristics of each layer and apply their...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Expanding the Universe

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
When Einstein first heard the theory of the expanding universe, he dismissed it as bad physics. Now scholars learn about the theory and how scientists prove it has merit. Through a hands-on simulation and videos, class members measure...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry


For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Young scientists observe deforestation from satellite photos and discuss the importance of forests to the global environment. They then simulate a plot of forest when farmers move into the area over the course of seven years. Finally,...
Lesson Plan
Centers for Ocean Sciences

Ocean and Great Lakes Literacy: Principle 1

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
Is your current lesson plan for salt and freshwater literacy leaving you high and dry? If so, dive into part one of a seven-part series that explores the physical features of Earth's salt and freshwater sources. Junior hydrologists...
Lesson Plan
California Academy of Science

Color Vision Genetics Evolution Simulation

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
At one point, all mammals carried only two color receptors, but now most humans carry three. An informative presentation and hands-on activity demonstrate how this evolved through genetics. By participating in the activity, pupils...
Lesson Plan
Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Getting Ready for the All American Eclipse!

For Teachers K - 12th
Give your pupils a front row seat at the biggest light show in the sky this year! In addition to admiring the total solar eclipse, young astronomers can explain the phenomenon with a little help from an inquiry-based lesson. The focus of...
McGraw Hill

Population Biology

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
The carrying capacity of an environment varies based on the organisms that live there. Using a virtual lab simulation, scholars test two protists living in their own environments and a third environment where both protists live. They...
Lesson Plan
Nature Works Everywhere

Recording the Rainforest

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Animals have evolved to communicate in different frequencies so they can hear each other throughout the rainforest. The first lesson in a three-part series begins by exploring an interactive story map online about the Borneo rainforest....