Rice University

College Physics for AP® Courses

For Students 9th - Higher Ed
Take a look at an organized physics course. The 34-section electronic textbook covers material in AP® Physics 1 and 2. Teachers use the text to supplement lectures and have the class work through the labs. Each section contains multiple...

Gravity And Orbits

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Have you ever wanted to turn off gravity? This simulation allows learners to do just that in addition to altering other variables. Scholars can move the sun, Earth, moon, and space station to see how distance affects gravitational pull....
Unit Plan
College Board

AP Physics 1 and 2 Inquiry-Based Lab Investigations

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Have you ever wondered what type of AP Physics investigations The College Board wants? This is the guide for you! Sixteen labs covering both Physics I and II will get you started and inspire you to meet the requirement of 25 percent of...
CPO Science

Physics Skill and Practice Worksheets

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Stop wasting energy searching for physics resources, this comprehensive collection of worksheets has you covered. Starting with introductions to the scientific method, dimensional analysis, and graphing data, these skills practice...
Curated OER

Unit VII Energy: WS 3a Energy Transfer and Storage

For Students 9th - 12th
Here is a nifty worksheet on energy transfer. Physics fanatics analyze a diagram and state whether or not friction is involved. They sketch bar graphs and draw energy flow diagrams for each system as well. Circular motion, movement up...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Motion and Inertia

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Physics learners make magic with inertia! By pulling paper out from under a stack of blocks or batting a rubber ball into motion, physics scholars' eyes will be opened! Don't think that this instructional activity is only fun and games;...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measures of Circular Motion

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
Physicists become Olympians in a competition using centripetal force. They ride a bicycle to comprehend relationships between linear and rotational motion. If you have an old-fashioned record player, it can be used to help pupils...
CK-12 Foundation

Hockey Simulation

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Do you understand the science behind hitting a hockey puck to control the direction it moves? Pupils experiment by telling a hockey player how to hit the puck so it moves in a circular direction. Through manipulating the velocity and...
CK-12 Foundation

Angular Speed Simulation

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Can you time the speed of your car perfectly so you only hit green lights? The challenge in the simulation is to alter the timing of the lights or the speed of the car in order to do just that. Scholars learn about angular speed as they...
CK-12 Foundation

Phases of the Moon

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
The sun can tell us what time it is with a sun dial, but can the moon do the same? Scholars play with a simulation of the phases of the moon. They control the type of moon and time of day in order to see when the sun is up and when the...
CK-12 Foundation

Water Fountain

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Most water fountains are designed to keep the water inside the fountain, but how are they designed to shoot up and out without the water leaving the fountain? Scholars vary the launch angle, fountain height, launch speed, and catcher...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

Speed Racers

For Teachers 6th Standards
Who wants to go fast? The answer? Your sixth-grade science superstars! The complete resource offers the ultimate, all-inclusive playbook for mastering the important concepts of speed versus time; distance versus time; and how to graph...
Lesson Plan

Modeling Video Game Motion with Matrices 2

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
The second day of a two-part lesson on motion introduces the class to circular motion. Pupils learn how to incorporate a time parameter into the rotational matrix transformations they already know. The 24th installment in the 32-part...
Urbana School District

Energy, Work, Simple Machines

For Students 11th - Higher Ed Standards
The tension of the 236 strings in a grand piano exert a combined force of 20 tons on the cast iron frame. The presentation includes topics such as work, forms of energy, conservation of energy, gravitational and elastic potential energy,...
Unit Plan
Mathematics Vision Project

Module 6: Trigonometric Functions

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Create trigonometric functions from circles. The first lesson of the module begins by finding coordinates along a circular path created by a Ferris Wheel. As the lessons progress, pupils graph trigonometric functions and relate them to...
Urbana School District

Projectile and Circular Motion, Torque

For Teachers 11th - Higher Ed Standards
Introduce your young scholars to the concepts of circular motion, projectile motion, angular speed, simple harmonic motion, torque, center of mass, centripetal force, and Hooke's Law with a 86-slide presentation. The circular motion...
It's About Time

Circular Motion

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Lead your class in this exciting activity to learn more about motion and its importance. Pupils learn about a centripetal and why it is required to maintain a constant speed in a circulating moving mass. They apply the equation for...
Curated OER

Circular Motion

For Teachers 9th - 12th
A helpful physics presentation will have you talking in circles! The material covers circular motion, and includes diagrams, formulas, and example problems. When used in addition with directed instruction and a teacher-created form of...

Momentum Machine

For Teachers 9th - 12th
If you have a rotating office chair in your classroom, you can have physics pupils participate in this simple, yet effective demonstration of angular momentum. One partner sits in the chair, arms outstretched, holding heavy weights. The...
Curated OER

Unit VIII Worksheet 5: Circular Motion

For Students 9th - 12th
Seven problems send physics stars out of this world! Challenge learners to calculate centripetal force, time to complete revolutions, circular speed, and acceleration. They also are asked to explain scenarios and draw a force diagram for...
Curated OER

Typical Numeric Questions for Physics I - Motion

For Students 9th - 12th
Seven pages with 33 multiple choice questions about motion make up this activity. Calculations must be performed in order to choose the correct answer. Physics majors will solve for angles, displacement, acceleration, speed, and time for...
Curated OER

Unit VIII: Worksheet 3 - Central Force

For Students 9th - 12th
Beginning physicists imagine being aerospace engineers by solving seven centripetal force problems. They calculate the work, speed, time, and acceleration of objects in orbit: a satellite around Earth, and Earth around the sun. This is a...
Curated OER

Unit VIII: Worksheet 2 - Centripetal Force

For Students 9th - 12th
Circular motion can make you loopy! On this physics worksheet, learners practice solving problems regarding centripetal force, rotational period, speed, acceleration, and more. A flying aerobat and a couple of amusement park rides make...
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Although this was written to accompany a specific textbook, the information can illustrate wave motion for any advanced level physics course. The slides are simple, use plain but colorful fonts, and include diagrams and pictures to...